Love all these points. The one I would argue though, is "clever." If creative and clever is how you normally are, I think you should shine through as your genuine self. It'll come out in the wash anyway, so why not let them see you up front? My business website is 100% written the way I present in real life...witty and clever lol.

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Kristi, yep, you’re right. I’m glad you mentioned it. Some people can pull it off from the get-go. But these are the exceptions, in my experience.

It’s the only one I caveat with a) if you’re funny/comedian or b) already have your thing moving and are shaping your brand with your personality.

Most folks aren’t though. They never get traction because they “think” they’re being clever but in reality they’re being confusing. And it’s probably one of the easiest prescriptions when helping them have clearer messaging, and get better responses to their marketing.

That said, most of the folks I follow long term are clever and witty 😎

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I can agree with that. Not everyone is cut out for it and if you're not...it comes across as clunky and disingenuous.

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